Discretionary Funds: 2024–2027 Project Solicitation
The MRMPO has solicited for projects for 2024–2027 CMAQ and STBG federal funds. Please find the application packet below, which includes detailed instructions and information on project eligibility and other criteria. Please note that the application submittal deadline was Friday, May 27, 2022 at 5pm. Looking for the Project Workshop? CLICK HERE
**If you have any trouble with the application please try viewing it in Adobe Acrobat Reader (Adobe Acrobat DC). Please contact MPO staff if you need assistance.
Scoping Estimating Tool (Downloadable Excel)
ARTS Crash Reduction Factor List
Chapter 14 of ODOT’s Analysis Procedure Manual for Multi-Modal
Bike/Ped Diversion Rate Calculator
NCHRP CMAQ Emissions Tool (New!):
Tool Kit (Link to the compressed file download (.zip, 14.7 MB) containing the Simplified Toolkit (.xls) and User Guide (.pdf) May not work on Chrome)