Plans & Programs
The MRMPO coordinates three major tasks to meet federal requirements:
- The Regional Transportation Plan, which addresses the region’s projects, programs and policies for the next 20 years
- The Transportation Improvement Program, which is the short-range, biennial 4-year program for highway and transit improvements to be built
- The Unified Planning Work Program, which is the comprehensive 1-year planning program that describes and coordinates the individual transportation planning activities of member agencies
The other documents here represent many of the other things the MPO does to facilitate transportation planning in the Middle Rogue region.
Air Quality Conformity Determination for 2024-2027 TIP
The Grants Pass Urbanized Area has been designated as in non-conformance with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Therefore, the MRMPO is required to perform an Air Quality Conformity Determination (AQCD) for every plan and program to show that the MPO is within the emissions budget as determined in the State Implementation Plan.
Air Quality Conformity Determination for 2024-2049 RTP
The Grants Pass Urbanized Area has been designated as in non-conformance with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Therefore, the MRMPO is required to perform an Air Quality Conformity Determination (AQCD) for every plan and program to show that the MPO is within the emissions budget as determined in the State Implementation Plan.
The Annual Listing of Obligated Projects reports those projects that have been obligated federal funds in the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY), broken down by jurisdiction and project type. The time span covers October 1 through September 30. Transportation funds are obligated by Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration.
Discretionary Funds: 2024-2027 Project Solicitation
The MRMPO has solicited for projects for 2024–2027 CMAQ and STBG federal funds. Please find the application packet below, which includes detailed instructions and information on project eligibility and other criteria. Please note that the application submittal deadline was Friday, May 27, 2022 at 5pm.
Public Participation Plan
The policies and practices described in the Public Participation Plan reflect the need for robust public involvement at all stages of regional planning. The plan is intended to encourage, facilitate, and follow through on public comments, concerns and suggestions by establishing procedures for providing full public access to information and decisions, timely public notices, and early and continuing public involvement in plan development.
Tribal Consultation Plan
The MRMPO Planning Area includes Tribal ancestral lands. Federally recognized Native American Tribal Governments with interests or ancestral lands in the MRMPO Planning Area shall be appropriately involved in the development of the Middle Rogue Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).
Regional Transportation Plan
The Middle Rogue region is required to maintain a long-range, multi-modal plan for strategies and actions that will lead to an integrated system that supports the safe and efficient movement of people and goods. The plan contains specific projects and information about funding and is required to update the plan every four years.
Rogue Valley Regional ITS Plan
The Rogue Valley Regional ITS Plan provides a 10-year road map for improving transportation system operations by enhancing safety, addressing congestion hotspots, providing traveler information, and assisting transportation system operators in implementing traffic management strategies that meet the needs of the region. The plan’s focus is on maximizing the efficiency of existing transportation infrastructure, which enhances the overall system performance and reduces the need to add roadway capacity.
Title VI Plan
The purpose of the Title VI Plan is to comply with federal regulations under 49 CFR Part 21 and 23 CFR 200. The regulations require all recipients of federal funds comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its subsequent federal acts, as shown under the Authorities section of this document. The MRMPO is a recipient of Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds, and will likely use other federal funds under the ODOT Transportation and Growth Management (TGM) Program or similar programs.
Transportation Improvement Program
The Middle Rogue MPO is federally required to develop a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) every two years, which includes transportation projects proposed for funding in the next four years. A TIP includes all prioritized transportation projects that have an anticipated funding source. Prior TIP documents are also listed below.
Unified Planning Work Program
The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) is adopted by the MRMPO Policy Committee and incorporates all transportation planning and supporting comprehensive planning activities in the Grants Pass Metropolitan Area by the Middle Rogue Metropolitan Planning Organization during the state fiscal year 2021 and serves as a means to satisfy 23 CFR 450.308. It identifies work proposed by major activity and task and includes summary details about expected products. Funding for all projects is identified.